University of California, Berkeley


The University of California, Berkeley, an open research college, is viewed as a standout amongst the most prestigious state colleges in the US. Some portion of the University of California System, it was established in 1868.

Berkeley's creation originated from a dream in the state constitution of a college that would "contribute much more than California's gold to the radiance and bliss of propelling eras".

Berkeley's shades of blue and gold were picked in 1873 – blue speaking to the California sky and sea as well as the Yale graduates who served to establish the foundation; gold the "Brilliant State" of California.

The college is situated in San Francisco's Bay Area, where it is home to around 27,000 college understudies and 10,000 postgraduate understudies.

Berkeley personnel have won 19 Nobel prizes, for the most part in material science, science and financial aspects. Late victors incorporate Saul Perlmutter, who won the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics for driving a group that found the quickening extension of the universe, proposing the presence of a type of dim vitality that involves 75 for each penny of the universe; and George Akerlof, who won the 2001 Prize for Economics for showing how markets breakdown when purchasers and venders have entry to various data.

Eminent graduated class incorporate writer and columnist Jack London, Oscar-winning on-screen character Gregory Peck, previous PM and leader of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, writer Joan Didion and Women's World Cup-winning US footballer Alex Morgan.

Berkeley has a convention as a focal point of political activism. Amid the 1970s, the grounds was a hotbed for understudy challenges the Vietnam War.

Attractions on grounds incorporate a Botanic Garden built up in 1890 and the 60,000-limit California Memorial Stadium utilized by the college's games groups.

The Golden Bear is the image of Berkeley's games groups.

Berkeley's brandishing ability was shown at the 2012 Olympics in London, when its graduates won 17 awards – 11 gold, one silver and five bronze. In the event that Berkeley had been a nation, it would have positioned joint 6th in the gold award table, close by France and Germany.

Subjects offered at University of California, Berkeley

Arts & humanities
Art, Performing Arts & Design
History, Philosophy & Theology
Languages, Literatures and Linguistics

Engineering & technology
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
General Engineering
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Social sciences
Communication & Media Studies
Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)

Business & Economics
Business & Management
Economics & Econometrics

Life sciences
Agriculture & Forestry
Biological Sciences

Physical sciences
Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
Mathematics & Statistics
Physics & Astronomy

Computer Science
Computer Science
